Stuff going on with me:
- researching shopify
- Bill Gates' blog
- things to be thankful for
- cleaning up the house
- winter savory - $2/pck, 10g/$16
- goji - $16/kg
- corsican basil - $3.25
- holy basil - $3.25
- oregano - $2.50
- white sage (salvia apiana)
- wild sagebrush plants
- big sagebrush
- wyoming sagebrush
- fringed sagebrush
- allheal
- maralroot
- sea buckthorn
- santolina
- roseroot
- jiaogulan
- wild strawberries
- alpine strawberries
- moringa
- zaatar - $7
Time to sell-able product is a major factor, since a plant that can get sold in half as much time is twice as profitable. I really like the sagebrushes because they're so beautiful, but I doubt the capacity for other people to appreciate them. We'll see. I'm leaning towards one tray of goji and paulownia, one tray of sages and sagebrushes and one tray of strawberries and other herbs that are already available. The lighting of the box may work well for some and not so well for others.

I'm working on building some shelves that have higher luminance so that the seeds and plants which require higher light densities to germinate and grow will have a greater chance of flourishing. Also, the different shelves have different colors of light, so I'll be learning about what colors of light work for different plants etc.
Back to cleaning up for Christmas.