Saturday, August 15, 2015

Peer to Peer Employment Phenomenon

Right around the beginning of the century, a new way of sharing information began brewing on the internet.  A company, called Napster, began connecting people who wanted to share music.  Napster, and other similar software systems were eventually declared illegal and shut down, yet the concept of building a digital space where users could interact and share directly remained alive and is becoming more and more popular.

The term 'peer-to-peer' or P2P refers to the type of connections which people or devices form in this system.  Peers, or individuals, connect to each other rather then connecting with some external entity.  Specifically, peer to peer types of employment/provider systems connect people who provide services with other people who require those services. 

  • Lyft - Connects people who can provide rides with people who need a 'lyft'.
  • Wonolo - Connects people looking for a little work with people who need to some work done.
  • Peers - Peers is an information source for P2P systems.
  • Sidecar - Similar to Lyft, Sidecar also has a system for delivery of packages.
There are also systems for delivering meals prepared at local restaurants, helping people move and even doing someone's weekly shopping.  It's an exciting marketplace where companies are forming and changing to meet the needs of the people. 

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